Church History Association of India

Church History Association of India (CHAI)[1][2] is an ecumenical body[3] of Church historians in India. Its journal is The Indian Church History Review (ICHR).[4][5]


Present Council



Jose Kalapura is in charge of the association's journal, the Indian Church History Review.

A. Mathias Mundadan continues as the editor of History of Christianity in India published by Church History Association of India.

Official website


  1. ^ Christianity Today [1] Christianity in India
  2. ^ Daily Goa News [2] News item about CHAI's conference
  3. ^ Goa Net [3] News article
  4. ^ Journal Seek [4] Info
  5. ^ University of British Columbia [5] List of serials
  6. ^ Indian Christianity [6] Profile of Dr.George Menachery
  7. ^ NTC
  8. ^ Andhra Christian Theological College Faculty
  9. ^ a b c d Ibid
  10. ^ Fernando, a Jesuit, is faculty at Vidyajyoti College
  11. ^ Richardson is faculty at ACTC
  12. ^ Rev. Moses is faculty at ACTC
Further reading

External links